Sunday, January 19, 2014

Daydreaming Helix

Day Dreaming Helix 

I think 
its a bad thing that I love 
science fiction 
about time travel 
alternate realities 
and day dreaming of the other worlds. 

I think it got worse when I started to see 
that time and space 
helix around each other 
creating this ever present 
DNA that makes up 
this fleeting reality 
and the universes it contains. 

So sometimes I see a person 
and I see their eyes 
where I see a sparkle 
a shimmer in their iris 
that shows me a whole story 
of what could have beens 
and joys and woes I could maybe know. 

Sometimes it can flash only a month 
of passionate intercourse 
and a friction of "it will never work" 

Or sometimes I see a few years go by 
with our first apartment 
or maybe we create a book
and maybe see the world. 

But sometimes 
if I meet the right person 
I see just happiness
and a life that stretches far more 
than what I can imagine. 

I can only think a few 
that give me that feeling in the later 
and I feel like I should act on them 
but I'm scared 
and I should worry about my own 
little spiral of DNA 
that dances amongst the other helixes 
in this wide universe 
swaying in the winds of space 
as time seeks to create 
something new 

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