Leaving the Fault Lines
Strange to think that the acts of three people
who's stories were so intertwined
were actually on a delicate tight rope
and it was only a matter of time that one silly mistake
would make the fault lines rupture
and over night
put everything into rubble.
For the other two players,
they had aid and support
easily at their finger tips.
But for me, my foundations fell from under me
and only I myself could climb out of the
debris of heartbreak
and feeling the horrible truth
that despite what they what,
I think I'll never recover.
Because what if it happens again?
What if I never trust him again?
What if I never get to say "I love you"
to her again?
I had such big plans for my "triumphant return"
but I think my engines show,
that you all live in a land
where for some odd reason
a haze makes you try and relieve
days long past.
You are all the same.
Under its song
of palmetto trees
and high school morals.
Trying to get that thrill
that you all know really
one can get
away from the borders
of that bridge and harbor.
I write this poem to say
that I don't blame
anyone for what happened.
But I now see
that I do not belong there.
Like a creature lost in time,
my steps in this foreign land
will only lead me to where I belong.
And sadly,
the probability is,
I will never see your faces again.
For I lost them,
in the shifting fault lines.
Wow that was good.