Monday, February 17, 2014

Little Black Bird

Little Black Bird 

Little black bird 
little black bird
why did you have to fly over me? 

Little black bird 
little black bird 
why do you follow me so? 

Little black bird 
little black bird 
why must you let your black feathers 
fall onto my already troubled heart 

little black bird 
why do you peck at the good 
that tries to worm its way out 
and with those doll eyes 

remind me of all the pain 
all the hurt 
that I have caused to myself 
that I have caused to others

Why does your caw 
remind me that you,
little black bird, 
make me feel regret? 

Why do you make me feel 
that even though I am alive 
you and your flock 
have turned to be vultures 

as I struggle to fill my thirst 
with thrown away empty bottles 
hoping that some message of hope 
will quench the thirst 
that I'll be okay 

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