Sunday, December 14, 2014

A Good Man

A Good Man 

I was always told 
to be a good man. 

But as I grow older 
I realize that this 
idea is simply and utterly 
just an idea. 

It is impossible to be as good of a man  
because it requires 


that the needs of others  
are much more important 
than your own base desires 
that inspire you to grow 

You can lose your self to being 
a good man 
to the point you forget who you are. 

Now there are bad men in the world
men who are too selfish 
unlike the good men 
who are entirely too unselfish 

You don't be a good man. 

You try to be. 

Or thats what I tell myself 
every day when the sun stirs me 
from the dark slumbers of sleep. 

I am alone in this world
full of people who struggle 
fall out of love 

There is so much noise
and now I see 
that I should try and be a kind 
and good man. 

And your attempts are rewarded 
in those smiles from those
who see that you are not just an idea 
but a real 
and tangible thing. 

A good man is just an idea 

but a man who tries to be good 
and do the right thing 
without being dishonest with himself
or others. 

Now that...that is a man 
who I will strive to be. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Yester Year

Yester Year 

Hard to imagine
that in the yester year 
this was a night full of tears 
and shadows. 

My only friends where people  
I would eventual hurt 
and only recently find peace with. 

Self loathing demons feasting on scars 
and words fed by people who's unknowing toxicity 
made my temperament of compassion 
a weakness and not a source of strength. 

The coming week during that yester year
saw a shimmer of hope 
in the form of a sudden adventure to see a film so dear 
with two friends who held me up 
when I could barely stand myself. 
That Friday would forge the counting hours 
of an internal struggle between the hard 
and the easy ways 
to cure my recent discovery of the monsters 
in my battered skull. 

In this present though 
I'm still here 
and I will not hide the fact 
that a lot of tears have been shed. 
My heart broke completely, 
twice as a matter of fact, 
as I tried to reestablish myself 

but the story has continued
continues to be my own 
and many days will continue to come. 

That ghost of yester year 
will always haunt me 
but a good ghost story
makes one inch closer
to warm lights. 



As the histories reflect 
the ripples that got me to where I am now 
in front of this imported laptop 
in a foreign land 
where the only light that can be cast around at 2 am 
is one of a laptop glow 
that allows the images and songs 
of things all over my known world 
try and comfort me 

I think about the struggles that I am facing 
had faced 
will face 

And though the world around me isn't silent 
my mouth is one that is 
and in that silence I find a kind of fear 


and leave those words 
that are written above linger and almost fade 
but a future rights 
that everything will be okay 
because history is made for 'his story' 
and my story 
is one for the age